Saturday 8 October 2011

1P5: c) Thiophilic ring-opening and rearrangement reactions of epoxyketone natural products

Wipf et al.22 reported thiol additions to the highly functionalized core structures of aranorosin and manumycin-type antibiotics reveal the general reactivity patterns of epoxyketone natural products. Rapid hemiacetal and hydrate formations decrease the reactivity of the epoxyketone moiety in aqueous media toward the cellular scavenger glutathione and secondary 1,2-shift, elimination, aromatization and intramolecular aldol reactions provide novel reaction pathways. In a hydrophobic environment, the thiol capture function of the ketone moiety facilitates electrophilic attack. Aranorosin core (10)23 with thiophenol immediately revealed an unexpected and novel reaction pathway. In the presence of 5 equiv. of thiophenol in THF, a complex mixture of products was rapidly formed and was converted upon addition of solid sodium carbonate into a major compound, bicyclo[3.3.1]nonane (11) in 71% yield. A hypothesis for the reaction pathway is shown in Scheme 3. Sequential opening of the epoxide rings and aldol dehydration provided 12, which underwent a base-catalyzed intramolecular aldol reaction to the lactol/aldehyde function. The new C-C bond was formed stereoselectively and only the thermodynamically more favored diastereomer (11) was isolated. Due to enolate chemistry of aranorosin- and manumycin-type epoxyquinols include elimination, aromatization, and intramolecular aldol reactions that ultimately provide new scaffolds with very stable carbon-sulfur linkages. 

22.  P. Wipf, P. Jeger, Y. Kim, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 1998, 8, 351.
23. P. Wipf, and Y. Kim, J. Org. Chem., 1993, 58, 1649.
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