Monday 10 October 2011

1P11: i) Intramolecular aldol cyclization of L-lyxo-Hexos-5-ulose Derivatives

 G. Catelani et al.41 synthesized a new diastereoselective D-chiro-Inositol because of their biological intrest.42 The DBU-promoted intramolecular aldol condensation of two partially protected l-lyxo-hexos-5-ulose derivatives (39 and 40), in turn obtained starting from methyl β-D-galactopyranoside, takes place with fairly good yield and complete diastereoselectivity to give 2L-(2,3,6/4,5)-pentahydroxycyclohexanone derivatives (41 and 42). The stereoselective reduction of 41 and 41 with sodium triacetoxyborohydride leads, after catalytic debenzylation, to 47, while the sodium borohydride reduction43 furnishes, with opposite stereoselectivity, a derivative of allo-inositol (48).

41. G. Catelani, A. Corsaro, F. D’Andrea, M. Mariania, and V. Pistarà Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2002, 12, 3313.
43. P. L. Barili, G. Berti, G. Catelani, F. D’Andrea, F. De Rensis, and G. Goracci, J. Carbohydr.Chem., 1998, 17, 1167.
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